With advertising budgets being slashed in these times of economic uncertainty, it’s difficult to know how to get maximum bang for your marketing buck. Sometimes it can be worth going back to tried and tested methods of getting your product or service the profile it needs. The flipbook is hardly the newest kid on the block, but its latest incarnations are a far cry from this product when it first made its appearance. Webpublication’s online magazine maker is a great example of this new breed of flip book – highly versatile, extremely user-friendly, full of rich media functionality – it really does pack a very powerful punch. It’s also easy to make your content reflect your corporate image, as you have a free rein over choosing your own colours, logos and background design. What’s more, you can even turn your documents into useful data gathering tools with a little help from Google Analytics, which will enable you to monitor how users consume your content. Many people use this software to create interactive pdf documents. This is where all that rich media comes in handy – HD images, video, sound, hypertext links, contents tables and tabs and flash animation make sure that your documents serve up a genuinely interactive experience.
Étiquette : online magazine maker
Marketing collateral like you’ve never seen it before – the power of Webpublication.
The flip book opens up a whole new world for all your marketing collateral and Webpublication is here to help you exploit this opportunity to the full. With the power of cutting-edge technology and a good dash of imagination and creativity, you can start producing digital content that’s persuasive, interactive and informative. Tools such as the online magazine maker can draw in new customers and enthuse your existing client base, thanks to the sophisticated software you’ll have at your fingertips. And there’s no need for any specialist skills to get started. In as little as 10 minutes you can produce great-looking content that will do your company proud! Alternatively, Webpublication’s team can also take on the job of designing and setting up your catalogue, magazine or corporate e-brochure. Compared with traditional paper-based collateral, these formats offer significant advantages, including big savings in relation to printing costs. One great thing is the number of different channels that can host your magazine. It could be a website, a DVD, your iPad or iPhone or even social networking sites! And of course, there are features that paper collateral just can’t compete with, for instance, embedded video, sound effects, flash animation and much, much more!